A Word to the Good People of Afghanistan

No form of government is more stable than a government supported by the majority of the people. Conversely, no government is weaker than a government ruled against the will of the majority.

Throughout the history, the strongest and prosperous governments has been under the rule of consensus, going as far back as The Achaemenid Empire over 2,500 years ago to today's United States. In the Muslim world, Turkey is the most democratic and the most influential Muslim nation in the world. 

There is no better way to prove to the people that the government is by consensus, but to hold a free and fair election - not just for the government of Kabul, but all provinces in Afghanistan. 

When a government controls a country against the will of the majority, without free and fair election, it can only do so through brutal force. When fear, religion, ethnocentricity and brutality is used to suppress the will of the people; when reason is suppressed through "Might is Right" mentality; When the holy book is used as a pretense to give control of the government to a select few in a circle, it is time for the good people to protect their families, property and future. At times, reason is not only ineffective, but those bringing forth reason to stop tyranny is selectively and violently discarded by the tyrant. This limits the choices of the people. 

"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Thomas Jefferson (1787), Founding Father of the United States Government